Saturday, 23 February 2013

Creepers and sneaks

Hey dudes, its been a while! Here are some drawings I sent to Vancouver for a collaborative drawing-animation project Brennan Kelly and Alex Stursberg put on at Fuse, at the Vancouver Art Gallery, last weekend. It's weird that that leg-lift appears in 2 out of 3.
Things have been a little hectic lately. I have a job now, there is a cat that lives at our house (Trumpy!), I had a dental emergency, my french exams are next week, and my amazing friend Jeff Downer stayed with me for week while he was doing a photo residency through the Canadian Centre for Architecture. It was really fun, we ate a lot of rugelach from Cheskies, enjoyed some Orange Juleps, and wandered around St. Henri, where Jeff's camera stopped working because it was too cold. Because I haven't lived here for too long, and its been winter almost the whole time, so its easy for me to be a tourist in Montrèal.
Hey, my friend Harrison used an old drawing a did of him for his album cover, check it out! Maybe even listen to some tunes.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Another school doodle of my friend and classmate Carlos. Here he is gazing at his invisible desk or possibly sleeping.

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Another Zuzu Knew collab, psychic-bow career woman with invisible hilighter, and a pattern.