Tuesday, 7 May 2013

No More

This blog isn't being updated anymore, but feel free to follow my tumblr. Thanks for looking!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Creepers and sneaks

Hey dudes, its been a while! Here are some drawings I sent to Vancouver for a collaborative drawing-animation project Brennan Kelly and Alex Stursberg put on at Fuse, at the Vancouver Art Gallery, last weekend. It's weird that that leg-lift appears in 2 out of 3.
Things have been a little hectic lately. I have a job now, there is a cat that lives at our house (Trumpy!), I had a dental emergency, my french exams are next week, and my amazing friend Jeff Downer stayed with me for week while he was doing a photo residency through the Canadian Centre for Architecture. It was really fun, we ate a lot of rugelach from Cheskies, enjoyed some Orange Juleps, and wandered around St. Henri, where Jeff's camera stopped working because it was too cold. Because I haven't lived here for too long, and its been winter almost the whole time, so its easy for me to be a tourist in Montrèal.
Hey, my friend Harrison used an old drawing a did of him for his album cover, check it out! Maybe even listen to some tunes.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Another school doodle of my friend and classmate Carlos. Here he is gazing at his invisible desk or possibly sleeping.

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Another Zuzu Knew collab, psychic-bow career woman with invisible hilighter, and a pattern.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Drawing Night Jan. 30

This week might be the best drawing night so far. Zuzu Knew and I collaborated on these drawings, and I'm really into how they turned out! Its some psychedelic Spice Girl art. Also this week everyone brought snax, like candied ginger and donuts, and I finally baked something so I didn't feel like a lazy hostess.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Seinfeld calendar

Made dis one page calendar last night at drawing night! (It has the days below but they didn't fit on my scanner.) I like to make calendars for myself to keep track of my productivity on a daily basis. You give yourself a daily artistic/creative/temporal goal, and put a big red X on the days when you meet it. Then you can look back and see the days start to string together, and feel good about your productivity.  Or you feel guilty for missing one and that empty box staring back at you. Apparently this is how Jerry Seinfeld works. In the spring, when I was using this technique, I would always try to go home after work and do some personal work, just so I could write the X on my 'Seinfeld calendar'. Its an advent calendar where you give yourself gifts!
And as you can see, I'm still enamoured with the fossil etchings I referenced in my December calendar.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

doodle post


If I don't know French in three months I have only myself and yoga drawings to blame!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

          I made this inspirational poster last night at drawing club and then inverted it.  The original is neon pink and yellow on black, which is really hard to capture, but I like how underwatery it is inverted. It also an important message to think about. Srsly.

        I drew these cactuses after seeing some drawings Julie Morstad did in what looks like only red ink. I'm really into this paper tone, but it doesn't take water very well. It reminds me of the velvety, warm toned printmaking papers I used to print on. 
        Here are some bonus cacti scans from a book that is accruing late fees as I type this, but look, they're aliens:

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Only sunset colours

There is secretly neon orange and pink in all of these but my scanner didn't pick it up. Just superimpose a neon sunset overtop of them in your mind/heart.

Friday, 4 January 2013

          Some drawings from my trip to Prince Edward Island at Christmas. I was almost stranded there due to a coastal snowstorm! I was even interviewed at the bus terminal and appeared on CBC talking about how I wanted to make it back to Montreal for New Years to have a 'nice time' or something.
          The lines are all wobbly in the second drawing because I did it while the bus was moving, but I like the effect it created. I had a really nice hanging out with Jeneen on PEI, even though she was real sick most of the time. Jeneen is really productive and has a lot of creative energy, which I'm hoping rubbed off on me a little bit.